Friday, July 27, 2007

the fruits of summer

this summer has been so good, and so sweet! i have been able to enjoy the fruits of summer like fresh tomatoes my backyard the smell of freshly mowed grass and of course a nice cup of coffee in the morning as i listen to the symphony of surburban sprinklers watering the yards on my street. i know this sounds like cheesy writing which i am probably guilty of but that is okay because i don't consider myself to be a writer at all so i don't have to worry about that. ha. not to be a downer but for us busy "adults" winter will be here in a blink of an eye so if you haven't tasted fresh sweetcorn purchased from an old guy in a ford f-100 on the side of the road or fresh tomatoes from your neighboors garden you should go out and enjoy the tastes of summer while they are still here unless you live in a place where it is "summer" all the that case i am jealous...sort of...i still like shoveling snow. that is all.



Lindsay said...

f-100? never seen one of those! ;)

as for shoveling snow... I will most *definitely* give you a call after the first snowfall of the winter! you bring the shovel & I'll provide the hot chocolate. *ha!*

Arnold Austin Jr said...

I love fresh tomatoes. My grandpa would always save the first one of his garden just for me. I miss him so much and can't wait to eat tomatoes with him in heaven

Jo said...

What do you do if you live in a place where it's never really summer, and it's been perpetually raining for the last couple of months?

.....I mean, besides build an ark....

Karissa said...

Mmmm... I was just thinking about sweet corn today. I'll probably grill some up this weekend.

Melanie said...

When I first moved to Northern Utah and had a huge fenced area that had "garden" written all over it, I planted lots of tomatoes and had more than I could ever use, and gave tons away. I love garden tomatoes a great deal. Since I started working gardening had fallen rather by the wayside. I miss it, though. My neighbor wanted to plant in my garden this year, but the tomatoes aren't ripe yet. They've been busy adding to their house, so it's barely been kept up. The corn isn't doing well, but there should be peppers and tomatoes, I hope. Maybe next year. We have a short growing season here, but this year it's been a very hot summer.

As for shoveling snow -- I think we could all keep you busy for a while. That's what snow plows are for. LOL

Arnold Austin Jr said...

Hey Tyler,

I would have updated you personally, but didn't have a new email for you.

Mine is should you need it.

Thanks for your prayers.

Will Benjamin said...

well tyler, ur one of my personal heroes. and this shows me that u truly are a normal calm guy. God bless!