Friday, July 27, 2007

the fruits of summer

this summer has been so good, and so sweet! i have been able to enjoy the fruits of summer like fresh tomatoes my backyard the smell of freshly mowed grass and of course a nice cup of coffee in the morning as i listen to the symphony of surburban sprinklers watering the yards on my street. i know this sounds like cheesy writing which i am probably guilty of but that is okay because i don't consider myself to be a writer at all so i don't have to worry about that. ha. not to be a downer but for us busy "adults" winter will be here in a blink of an eye so if you haven't tasted fresh sweetcorn purchased from an old guy in a ford f-100 on the side of the road or fresh tomatoes from your neighboors garden you should go out and enjoy the tastes of summer while they are still here unless you live in a place where it is "summer" all the that case i am jealous...sort of...i still like shoveling snow. that is all.


Thursday, July 5, 2007

just a leaf in the wind

right now i am am in a weird spot in my life, i am just going to lay this out there. this summer has been great in so many ways and in other ways it has been the twilight zone. i have had so much fun spending quality time with my family but i am also in such a weird place because i have no idea what i am doing right now and that is a little scary. i never thought it would be so freeing to not not what is going on, you know what i mean? all i am trying to say is that it is a good thing to realize and remember that you are not in control and worrying will not help you any. the quicker we realize this the better of we will be in the long run! i guess this is an upbeat thought dressed in drab colors, backhanded optimism has always been one of my specialties. ha.
for all you people out there just blowing in the wind like a leaf, all i have to say is enjoy it while it lasts. we might be blowing out of control in the wind and that can be a little scary but you have to admit that the view is incredible from way up here.
